
Monday, July 03, 2006

Tyler July 4th weekend

With the new directives to put babies to sleep on their back (which they've cleverly named "Back to Sleep") babies have to be given supervised time to be on their tummies (cleverly named "tummy time"). I don't know if its just hype or what, but the statistics show that since the Back to Sleep was instituted, there is a marked decline in SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

Our child was lifting his head and holding it up from something like week 2, but we like to give him tummy time anyway. Most times, he kicks and struggles then settles into a nice little nap. :) Sometimes, we supervise the naps. lol

Here is Tyler doing Tummy time with daddy today.

This is Tyler the other day in his overalls, he was enjoying himself so much. It looks like hes laughing and giggling and kicking up his heels with joy that he fell over. LOL. He looks so big in these overalls.

Mike's Garden Handywork

Mike's been a busy bee this holiday weekend. First he started with the walkway. He lined the area with scalloped bricks, cleaned up the foliage, and replanted some of his mini-carnation bushes. We also put up a flag just in time for Independence day.

Then he replanted the area under the tree and added one of the plants from Dad's yard.

He did an amazing job in the back yard, too. I was afraid he'd kill my hydrangrea that was just blooming for the first time, but it survived and is thriving. On the other end, he planted the other plant from Dad's garden. He also moved the birdhouse to this side of the yard. We want to paint it soon to refresh it.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

June photo

Here is today"s photo of our little man.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

3 weeks old

Friday, May 12, 2006

Aww - isn't he cute

and then he farts

and some more